
Hands Across The Border

Cooperation between the people of two nations still goes on and there’s no room for partisan politics

One fact is true anywhere in the world: There are good people everywhere. And good people have at least one thing in common: They want everyone in their community to be healthy, happy and free from suffering, and where there is suffering, they will reach out their hands to help. Read more

Homeward Bound

Deported U.S. Veterans Seek Repatriation

Hector Barajas, founder and director of the Deported Veterans Support House in Tijuana, hosted an interview Thursday, March 16, attended by a TV crew for UNIVISION and this reporter for Gringo Gazette.

McCail Smith, Jr., founder and administrator of American Veterans Coalition (AVCO), was the special guest at the invitation of Sr. Barajas, whose goals were not only to shed light on the struggle of deported veterans to be reunited with their families and friends, but also to coordinate with AVCO to ensure that those same vets receive the full VA  benefits to which they are entitled under the law.

The Support House is funded strictly by donations, mostly from private citizens, but also from companies sympathetic to the cause. The latest company-sponsored fund-raiser was an event supported by the Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Company. Hector and his fellow deportees also conduct small fund-raising events themselves.

In addition to providing shelter and sustenance to the residents at the House, Hector’s organization is also very politically active. His group is seeking to have legislation enacted that recognizes that ALL veterans, upon enlisting, took an oath of allegiance to the United States of America, and that the oath they took is a LIFELONG commitment.

Further, they seek to have all persons who served in the military be recognized for the sacrifices they made, be repatriated and provided with educational programs to assist them in their efforts to find employment upon their return to the States.

They ask that citizens of the United States contact their local representatives and insist that those representatives support the Veterans Visa & Protection Act HR5695.

According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the reason for the deportation of most of the vets  was a mixup in paperwork by the government itself; however, Hector says that the truth is, most of them  were deported as a result of their involvement in the commission of criminal offences, most of which were misdemeanors. The complex moral issue arises when considering the possibility that the psychological stress of service in wartime activities (PTSD) could itself be the root cause of the crime committed.

Furthermore, perhaps it would better serve the country and the vet if the problem were resolved within the borders of the U.S., rather than resorting to the extreme punishment of deportation….a punishment which lasts a lifetime, and far exceeds the scope of the most of the crimes….especially considering that quite frequently, deportation results in the breakup of families.

There is also the possibility that a deported veteran may encounter hostility or loss of citizenship when returning to his own country of origin, especially if the United States had been engaged in conflict with that nation, or was engaged in campaigns  which the leaders of his original homeland disapproved.  Remember, many veterans served courageously in military campaigns on behalf of the United States, with the long-term goal of attaining citizenship there.

For example, Hector was finally able to obtain a Mexican identification card for a Mexican national who had served in the U.S. military, committed a crime, and, as a result, was deported. This individual had been living in Mexico for 10 years without a valid id!

Hector also recently found employment locally for another one of the vets in his care.

As for McCail Smith, Jr.’s participation in the activities of the Deported Veterans Support House (affectionately referred to as “the bunker”), he was there to enlighten the residents of the house as to the procedures necessary to obtain the full benefits they are entitled to. Mr Smith has been working as a veterans’ advocate for over two decades; his quest for knowledge of how the VA system works has been an odyssey spanning a period of 27 years, and he has, during that time, worked closely with VA directors in San Diego, as well as in Denver, CO.

He now attends weekly meetings in the VA offices in San Diego, where he is a frequent guest speaker. As the administrator of AVCO, he is willing to direct veterans to resources they may not have known they are entitled to. One such resource is the Federal Medical Program of the VA, which allows for veterans to receive their benefits anywhere in the world.

Membership in his program assures that if a vet has any unresolved issue with the VA, AVCO will act directly on his behalf.

During the interview, Mr. Smith enumerated the forms necessary for veterans to provide to the IRS and to the VA to ensure that all aspects of their service-related issues are documented. He also revealed ways to verify service-related injuries and/or illnesses that may not have been fully documented at the time of their occurrence.

McCail pointed out that under current VA regulations, a veteran’s injuries may be verified by any other service member who was a witness to the occurrence of those injuries.

The mission of the DVSH is to provide shelter, food and clothing to deported veterans, while actively seeking to have the citizenship and the rights of those veterans restored; DVSH continues its efforts by raising awareness through media events such as the one conducted before UNIVISION and Gringo Gazette, as well as through social media and local fundraising events.

The mission of AVCO is ensure that expat veterans, and, in fact, ALL veterans, are aware of, and receive, the full medical benefits, plus the maximum monthly pension remunerations, to which they are entitled under the law.

Together, these two dedicated veterans are working hard to guide others through the complex maze of forms, regulations, verification requirements, etc., that are required to obtain those benefits.

As of April, 2017, Hector has opened another branch of DVSH in Juarez!

DVSH:  BanishedVeterans@yahoo.com, USA phone 626.569.5492

MEX phone 664.522.8745

Mailing address: Att. Dermott Rodgers DVSH

4343 Ohio St #2

San Diego CA 92104

AVCO: statevso@gmail.com

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Working from Home

Proin eu purus eget purus venenatis placerat volutpat vitae nulla. Duis vel tempus orci. Proin commodo aliquet diam, at tempor justo. Suspendisse sit amet aliquam nisi. Vestibulum a elit ipsum. Morbi interdum metus eget diam suscipit, nec commodo sapien scelerisque. Integer urna leo, auctor ac enim at, ornare mattis nunc. Morbi finibus risus ut libero tincidunt faucibus.

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known

Nullam eget nibh nibh. Phasellus eleifend magna vitae neque maximus, consectetur luctus nibh vestibulum. Quisque ornare ipsum nec auctor congue. Nunc ac elementum nisl. Aliquam non lectus non leo facilisis faucibus nec non ligula. Vivamus suscipit turpis risus, a hendrerit nibh sodales id. Cras tincidunt, leo et vulputate ornare, nisi sapien blandit justo, in congue justo nulla non ex mauris ultrices gravida.

Photo by Nadine A. Gardner

Fusce gravida turpis eu scelerisque placerat. Sed ac metus massa. Praesent nec felis varius, tristique risus quis, sollicitudin nisl. Mauris sem nunc, placerat eget sapien at, consectetur tempus massa.

Dare to dream big

Ut vehicula nisi consectetur augue condimentum, eget auctor massa viverra. Aenean scelerisque tellus at molestie dictum. Fusce lobortis eu lorem id maximus. Duis feugiat ex ligula, id egestas velit finibus nec.

Phasellus et felis suscipit, consectetur leo vel, pellentesque orci. Aenean aliquam ultricies ultrices. Phasellus ac sodales nulla, a dignissim diam. Praesent efficitur euismod tincidunt. Curabitur vitae turpis in justo.

Donec pretium dapibus justo at fermentum. In nisi lorem, iaculis quis leo imperdiet, convallis mattis nunc. Nulla lobortis dui in ligula tempor volutpat. Praesent varius consectetur arcu ut aliquet. In pretium elit et tortor ultrices congue.

I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.

Sed vitae elit nec nunc ultricies mattis. Nulla efficitur velit est, non varius quam gravida ac. Praesent ultrices est nec ligula pulvinar scelerisque. Mauris ex dolor, tincidunt ut ante sit amet, posuere porttitor dui. Vestibulum iaculis dui nec laoreet bibendum.

Running towards the sunrise.Photo by Nadine A. Gardner

Nulla ac hendrerit nulla. Vivamus facilisis, orci a rutrum faucibus, erat ipsum vehicula ipsum, faucibus finibus lectus ante nec orci. Fusce pharetra lobortis felis nec eleifend. Curabitur et nibh sem. Praesent consectetur tincidunt libero vel lacinia.

Perfect opportunity

Suspendisse magna urna, faucibus euismod bibendum et, efficitur at ante. Integer consequat, quam in pulvinar ullamcorper, leo quam consequat turpis, non laoreet augue lacus vel nisl. Donec scelerisque eget mauris sed malesuada. Ut et nibh mollis, pulvinar arcu vel, elementum nunc. Nam dapibus mollis metus, at vulputate quam pellentesque id. Phasellus viverra sem pharetra purus pretium sagittis.

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Quisque venenatis dignissim fermentum. Praesent convallis felis a tellus consectetur, ac mattis elit sodales. Fusce non diam lorem.

Once in a lifetime

Etiam elementum elit nunc, nec interdum lectus maximus id. Proin pulvinar urna in luctus ornare. Pellentesque sagittis lacus quis bibendum pretium. Nunc sagittis eros at dolor finibus, a accumsan ante hendrerit.

Sed massa nulla, ultrices ac nisl eget, pretium tincidunt ante. Donec ultrices aliquam convallis. Cras luctus lectus nec diam interdum ultricies eu quis nunc. Pellentesque quis lacinia ex, id posuere quam.

Aenean eu facilisis tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Proin suscipit felis risus, nec tristique justo gravida quis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce id sodales metus, a pulvinar nibh. Curabitur eu mi felis.

In vestibulum, odio et vestibulum pharetra, ex est viverra elit, ac imperdiet ipsum est porta arcu. Suspendisse augue turpis, rutrum sit amet sapien eget, semper ultricies elit. Donec interdum nibh condimentum ante blandit tempor. Vivamus fringilla placerat lectus in efficitur. Vivamus viverra, augue a placerat commodo, nisi ligula congue turpis, imperdiet tempor magna mauris eget metus. In euismod ac libero eu lacinia.

Mauris lobortis, quam ut hendrerit pellentesque, velit urna gravida justo, eget euismod dui est eget arcu. Curabitur congue, lectus tincidunt ornare pharetra, elit metus faucibus massa, rutrum volutpat orci nunc eget ante. Donec eu sem vel mauris ultrices gravida.

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