Wildfires have been a common sight in Baja for years, but we had never seen something as extreme as what has been going on for the last couple days.
Severe heat and dry Santa Ana winds have caused dry vegetation to burn.
4 people have been reported dead, 2 in Tecate, 1 in Tijuana, and another one in Rosarito. Almost 100 houses have been lost to the fires, most of them yesterday, which was the day that had the worst Santa Ana winds condition.
About 50 families were evacuated from Real Del Mar, which was impressively affected by the fire.
Incredible enough, two persons were detained for causing fires that, in one case, resulted in one death. One was detained in Rosarito and another one in Tijuana.
For a couple of hours on Friday, both the toll road and the free road were closed because of the fires that were making driving there dangerous.
Authorities are recommending drinking lots of water to and of course avoid being near fires, sometimes it doesn’t look as bad until its too late.
It looks like it has been a busy week for celebrity chef Gordon Ramsey and Gino D’Acampo, who were spotted by shoppers at Mercado Hidalgo in Tijuana.
Mercado Hidalgo is one of the few typical 100% Mexican “Mercados” in Baja, they offer a wide selection of fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, spices and almost everything you need to make a proper meal. The “Mercado” concept, which is very popular in mainland Mexico, offers products from several small businesses that most of the times are specialized in certain items. They are located in open spaces which make the consumer feel as if they were going to only one store instead of a couple dozen.
Chef Ramsey was seen getting stuff from the local shops and was later tagged by Tom Holland, who was fishing in Ensenada, in a picture of some pretty good looking lamb shanks plate.
Herbe Ortega, head of ZOFEMAT in Ensenada (The Marine Federal Zone office), reported that another whale corpse was found in the Loma Dorada beach.
The animal was almost 50 feet long and weighted about 20 tons.
Authorities from the environmental office are already working with CEMEX on getting the required tools to move and bury the animal.
This is going to be a lot easier than the one in Rosarito last week since that one was in a very hard to access location.
Ortega stated that the whale was already dead by the time it got to the beach so he recommended people to stay away from the corpse in order to avoid any kind of sickness.
A blue whale carcass, more than 60 feet long, was found yesterday beached near a cliff in Rosarito. This is the 5th whale found dead in northern Baja’s coastline this year.
Civil Protection office stated that they worked together with the Mexican army to move the carcass of the mammal and take it to a nearby beach to bury it.
They needed the extra help since the area where the whale was found, at K 38.5 of the Tijuana-Ensenada free road, was not easily accessible.
A researcher from Ensenadas’s Center for Scientific Research and Superior Studies (CICESE), Gisela Heckel, PhD, stated last January that local whales have seen their food sources considerably impaired because of global warming, although she also said that it is relatively normal to see a few whales stranded on our beaches when weather phenomenons like “El Niño” hit our state.
SOURCE: Proceso, Javier Cruz Aguirre.
Tripping at Viaje is what I like to do on a mellow Sunday afternoon on the terrasse of the newer restaurant in town, VIAJE, COCINA DEL MUNDO. Cool jazz from a 4-piece ensemble, a glass of Chardonnay, and having just polished off an order of enfrijoladas – a sort of chicken crepes in a luscious bean sauce redolent of pasillas chiles – takes me close to Nirvana, or maybe pig’s heaven with an ocean view.
Open with much fanfare in February, Viaje is located midtown Rosarito in the Quinta del Mar complex. You drive through the arch and it is a straight shot around the fountain.
The building had been a restaurant in a former incarnation some 15 years ago when it burned down. In came Jerome Gombert, a talented and ambitious Frenchman with successful restaurant experience in San Diego (Vagabond in North Park). He had the vision to turn the structure into the stunning establishment it has become. Assisted by designer Roderick Shade of Architectural Digest fame, he has created an airy, elegant, yet hip space. The design takes advantage of existing exposed structural elements: the cellar, the vintage tile and wide plank wood floor, and wall niches. It has two distinct areas: a refectory style room around an oyster bar with two dozen huge lanterns to offset the bare bone feeling; in sharp contrast you then proceed to an explosion of colors and textures for a 1001-nights feeling provided by kilometers of draped sari fabrics in the two cozy rooms adjoining the patio.
When alone, I sit at the bar for a chat with Jeser, the amiable bartender. As a bonus, it affords a full view of the open kitchen with pedigreed chef, Jonathan Casas, and his team in action. Everything is prepared to order with mostly local ingredients: organic veggies from the Guadalupe Valley and seafood from Ensenada and San Quintin.
Viaje, meaning “travel” offers a culinary tour of the world with an eclectic selection of French, Peruvian, Moroccan, and Chinese preparations. I have not tried it all, but the steak tartare is for me a near addiction: chopped to order fresh sirloin with assorted spices. Jonathan’s rendition of bouillabaisse, the French fish soup, is another favorite. If you are fussy about your oysters, you’ll love these plump, sweet on the shell – the best anywhere. My companions have raved about the various ceviches which I have not tried yet, but looked like works of art.
Several times, the attendance was minimal making me think that Viaje has not yet appeared on everyone’s radar. I have heard that some folks are intimidated by the exotic touch and fear high prices. In reality, the prices are reasonable and the place is unpretentious as is Jerome whose hospitality makes you feel at home. As of this writing, there is a happy hour from 5-7 on weekdays with music on Friday. Try it, enjoy it, and why not toss a coin in the fountain on your way out.
Every Monday through Friday, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm; Pickleball at the Rosarito Pickleball Complex and Training Camp at Parque Reforma (west of Pabellon center – turn left at Oxxo). Three courts. $2 court fee per day. Bring water and folding chair. Facebook.com/ Rosarito Pickleball for all information.
Every Monday, 10:45 am, duplicate bridge at Baja Gold Bridge Club, KM 42 at the Rosarito Beach Christian Church. bajagoldcoastbridgeclub@gmail.com.
Every Tuesday, 10 – 11 am, Chair Yoga at IMAC Rosarito, Salon 3 (behind Banamex). To register, send name and phone number to wellnesshealingliving@gmail.com.
Every Second Tuesday, 1 pm; The Baja Business Club Unlimited Meeting (BBCU) at Ruben’s Restaurant (k 43). Network with other local business professionals. Chuck Smith: Gorgeouswomenofbaja@gmail.com for more information.
Every Tuesday – Rotary Club meets at Rosarito Beach Hotel. 664-376-2620.
Every Tuesday, 10 – 11 am; Chair Yoga with Erendira Abel at IMAC, Salon 3. eabel@bajaexpatservices.pro.
Every Wednesday, 10:30 am – 12 pm; Learn Spanish Naturally at IMAC Rosarito, at the Library. To register, send name and phone number to eabel@bajaexpatservices.pro.
Every Wednesday, 10:30 am – 12 pm; Speak Spanish Naturally with Erendira Abel at IMAC Library. eabel@bajaexpatservices.pro.
Every Wednesday, 10am – 12pm; Adult painting class at IMAC Rosarito in the main park. Bilingual instructor. 200 peso registration/ 300 pesos per month. IMACRosarito@gmail.com; Facebook/imacrosarito.
Every Wednesday, 7:30 – 9:00 am; Tai Chi classes with certified instructor Eugenio Encinas at Galeria Fausto Polanco Rosarito. 350 pesos per month. Alyce: 664-368-6733; Alberto: 661-125-9191.
Every Second Wednesday (except December). 10 am. Friends of the Library meeting at CEART Rosarito. Promotes reading and literacy in Rosarito. www.friendsofthelibrary.com.mx. 661-612-3659.
Every Third Wednesday of the Month (except December), Flying Samaritan’s General Meeting at Villas Del Mar (k 31.5). www.flyingsamaritansrosarito.org; Susansmithz@hotmail.com; 1-858-234-2360; 661-100-6066.
Every Third Wednesday (except December) 1:00 – 4:00 pm, Flying Samaritan’s Outrageous Bingo at Popotla Jr. Restaurant (across from El Nido – formerly California Fresh), Food and Drink specials; free parking behind restaurant; Six games, 4 cards for $10; Karen: kajomc@yahoo.coojm; (US) 1-818-515-0067l (MX) 664-609-3419.
Second and Fourth Wednesday, 1 pm; Cruz Roja Primo Tapia Bingo at El Pescador Restaurant. 6 games/ 2 cards for $5. Reduced price menu; Jamesphausmann@gmail.com; 1-623-217-9795.
Every Other Thursday 12 pm; Baja Wordsmiths Writing group meets at L’Estancia Restaurant (turn at the wooden water wheel). Bring something to write with. RSVP to Facebook.com/ Baja Wordsmiths for date.
Every Thursday. 8:30 am. Local Board of Realtors (APIR) meets at Oceana Grill. Good place for buyers or sellers to find a Realtor
Every Second Thursday. 10 am. Cruz Roja Volunteers, Rosarito Chapter General Meeting NOW at Beach Comber Rest. . www.cruzrojarosarito.org.mx; President: Mary Moreno, miqueridomx@yahoo.com.
Every Third Thursday. 10 am. General Meeting for FRAO, Foreign Residents Assistance Office. Open to the public. Calafia Hotel. Speaker’s presentation. FRAO@Rosarito.gob.mx.
Every Friday, 12 – 2 pm; Adult painting class at IMAC Rosarito in the main park. Bilingual instructor. 200 pesos registration/ 300 pesos monthly. IMAC Rosarito@gmail.com; Facebook/imacrosarito.
Every Monday and Friday (that is NOT a Mexican holiday) 11 am – 1 pm; Free beginner and intermediate Spanish Classes at the Palacio Municpal, through the FRAO office. Contact Liz for information: 661-614-9600, ext. 1080, or email: frao@rosarito.gob.mx.
Every Saturday, 10:00 am at IMAC Central park. Chess for all ages. www.facebook.com/IMAC Rosarito.
Every First Saturday. 10 am. United Society of Baja California (USBC) general meeting at the Titanic Room of the Calafia Hotel. Good info for the English speaking community of charitable, community service and social organizations. www.unitedsocietyofbaja.org. 664-748-3949.
Every First Saturday. Noon-sundown. Open Studio Art Walk, a free tour of galleries in Rosarito Beach Hotel commercial center. Meet artists at work in their studios. pacothepainter@hotmail.com
Every Third Saturday. 1pm. USBC, United Society of Baja California, monthly potluck dinner, at La Maroma sports bar, across from Burger King. Different theme every month. Usually live entertainment. Free. Membership $20 per year.
Second Sunday of every month, Pet sterilization by the Baja Spay and Neuter Foundation at the Centro de Diagnostico Clinico Vetrinario, ave. Queretaro #2331-3, Col Cacho, Tijuana. 200 pesos, 661-124-3619, or Robin at www.BajaSpayNeuter.org.
Last Sunday of every month, Jewish Chavurah. Gordon Kane – gordonmkane@gmail.com.
Every day but one day at a time AA Grupo Gringo meets daily #16 Mar Mediterraneo (two blocks behind Del Mar Beach Club). Saturday, 3:00; Sunday, Monday, Thursday: 10:00 am; Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 6:00 pm. Additional meetings in Cantamar (just south of the footbridge) Tuesday and Friday, 10:00 am. 661-614-1678.
September 6, Friday, 5 – 8 pm; First Friday House Party Hawaiian Style at the Rosarito Beach Parrot Head Club (located in Pikin Ziplines k 42). Live music, vendor space available. Contact Lori Chaffin at Facebook.com/ Baja Lori Chaffin.
September 7, Saturday, 10 am – 5 pm; Bill’s Baja Garage and Art Sale at Puerte del Valle plaza. 8 tables available for vendors, $20 per table. Billwelsch@gmail.com; US: 1-760-554-4238; MX: 646-155-0029.
September 7, Saturday, 10 am; USBC Monthly meeting at Calafia Hotel. Guest speakers. Find out what’s happening in the community. www.unitedsocietyofbaja.org.
September 7, Saturday, 12 – 6 pm; Bright & Shiny, Bold & Beautiful, Ladies Day Out at Baja Glass and Art Gallery at Quintas Calafia Hotel (k 35.5). Shop for beautiful items and experience Luminess Airbrush make-up demonstration (as seen on TV). Facebook.com/ Baja Glass and Art Studio.
September 7, Saturday, 5 pm; Celebrate Abelardo Rodriguez Park’s 52nd anniversary with the historical presentation: “Abelardo Rodriguez Park: Historical Panorama of a Public and Cultural Space in Playas de Rosarito” by Aaron Garcia Acosta. Facebook.com/ IMAC Rosarito.
September 7, Saturday, 5 – 9 pm; Seniors Supporting Apoyando Abuelitos (Seniors) Annual Fundraiser Fiesta at Mata Ashta (San Antonio Del Mar). Food, music, raffles! Tickets: $30 through PayPal at foodforabuelitos@gmail.com. Reggie Corsaro: foodforabuelitos@gmail.com.
September 9, Monday, 11 am – 5 pm; Casting Call at Baja Studios! Needed are extras for two television shows filming between October 2019 and May 2020; Male and female, ages 6 – 70. No appointment necessary. Facebook.com/ Agencia BarbarellaCasting
September 12, Thursday, 10 am; Cruz Roja Rosarito General Meeting at Quintas del Mar Hotel. Facebook.com/ Cruz Roja Voluntarios Americanos de Rosarito.
September 13 – 16, Friday – Monday, 10 am – 10 pm ; Festival of the Seven Oaxacan Moles at San Fernando Plaza (across from Smart & Final). Four days of live entertainment, marimba, folkloric dancing, with costumes and moles representing the seven regions of Oaxaca. Free entrance. Facebook.com/ Union de Empresarios Oaxaquenos.
September 14, Saturday, 12 pm; Rosarito Beer Fest by the Beach at Abelardo Rodriguez Park/IMAC (behind Banamex). Food, entertainment, vendors, and 40 different craft beers of the region. Must be 18 years old. Tickets 300 pesos, available at www.boletop.com.mx through Facebook.com/ Rosarito Beer fest by the beach.
September 15, Sunday, 6 – 9 pm; “Viva Mexico!” with Miguel de Hoyos and Alex Depue at Hotel La Mision (k 59). Tickets available at Hotel La Mision. 646-155-0333; Facebook.com/ Hotel La Mision.
September 20 & 21, Friday & Saturday; Pat’s Pub n Tub South of the Border Golf weekend at Vista Hermosa (formerly Bobby’s by the Sea). Must book by September 8. Baja Mar Golf Resort. Fiesta at Vista Hermosa Saturay night for all (even non-golfers). Info, reservations and tickets: Isidro / Abel: 1-619-810-7666; Krista: 1-714-269-0920.