Articles, Breaking News, Ensenada, Rosarito

Rosarito Claims, Ensenada Clings. The Santa Anita Saga!

It seems like there’s a bit of confusion stirring in the air between Ensenada and Playas de Rosarito over the Santa Anita area. Despite recent buzz in some media outlets (including this) originated by a post on the official Rosarito government website claiming that Ensenada had waved the white flag, allowing Rosarito to take over Santa Anita without a fuss, the reality paints a different picture.

Carlos Ibarra Aguiar, the acting mayor of Ensenada, stepped in to set the record straight. According to him, the paperwork needed to hand over land records and government permits from Ensenada to Rosarito hasn’t even started yet. This clarification comes after the IX Municipality of Playas de Rosarito boasted earlier this year that the transfer process had kicked off.

Ibarra Aguiar explained that while there was indeed a meeting between officials from both municipalities, it was merely a response to a request from the State Congress. This request wasn’t about giving up the fight but was aimed at sorting out how the transfer should eventually be handled, should it come to that.

Despite a 2023 ruling declaring Rosarito the victor of this decades-long territorial tiff over an area spanning 168 square kilometers—which includes the town of Santa Anita—Ensenada isn’t backing down. Ibarra Aguiar emphasized that the State Congress’s resolution merely suggested that both parties start discussing the matter. As of now, there’s no set process or timeline for the transfer, and Ensenada continues to police the area and provide public services in Santa Anita.

The tussle over this territory isn’t new; it dates back to 1995 and remains unresolved, much to the frustration of everyone involved. So, while rumors fly and officials post, it looks like the saga of Santa Anita is far from over. Stay tuned, as this local drama is sure to offer more twists and turns.

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