Articles, Baja Norte, Breaking News, Ensenada

Water Supply in Ensenada Insufficient for This Summer

The urban area of Ensenada will suffer serious water supply problems during the summer season, which requires immediate action to expand sources of supply, but also for the population to make more efficient use of the water resource. Wenceslao Martínez Santos, coordinator of the Water Interdisciplinary Group (GIA), indicated that while in other cities of the state the so-called “Green Bonus” was announced, in Ensenada no specific program with that resource is known. “In the last meeting we had with officials from the Secretariat for Water Management, Sanitation and Protection (Seproa), there was no specific data on any program already authorized to apply the Green Bonus in this municipality,” he said.

Martínez Santos indicated that the supply sources are insufficient to cover the demand of the Ensenada population, and with a distribution system that has constant leaks, between 30 to 40 percent of the distributed water is lost. He added that, so far, there is no knowledge of a substantial increase in supply sources, and regarding what is announced as the solution, which is the expansion of the water desalination plant, the works would take a year and a half to two years.

It is essential, emphasized Martínez Santos, that the amplification of that plant begins as soon as possible because as the supply sources decrease, the number of inhabitants increases, and consequently, the demand for water also increases.

SOURCE: El Vigia

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