
Gringo Gazette

Red Cross Day and Local Efforts in Rosarito

Every May 8th, we celebrate World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day. It’s a special time to acknowledge the local and global humanitarian efforts spearheaded by the Red Cross and founded over 160 years ago by volunteer Henry Dunant. This day is not just about remembering our roots but also about paying tribute to the millions of volunteers and staff who dedicate their lives to helping those in dire need of protection, medical care, social aid, and solidarity.

Across the globe, the Red Cross steps up in scenarios most of us can barely imagine—armed conflicts, natural disasters, climate crises, epidemics, and more. Their emblem, recognized worldwide, is a beacon of hope and safety. It’s crucial for ensuring the safety of Red Cross personnel everywhere, allowing them to deliver life-saving assistance while maintaining the neutrality essential for reaching isolated and endangered communities.

Despite numerous challenges vying for attention and resources, the Red Cross remains committed to highlighting forgotten crises and upholding humanity, especially in contexts of extreme polarization and dehumanization. Upholding international humanitarian law is not only a commitment to the dignity of those affected by crises but also to our shared humanity.

In Rosarito, the local Red Cross chapter mirrors this global mission with profound dedication. They recently kicked off the 2024 School Collection with an event at El Rosario Primary School, aiming to surpass last year’s impressive fundraising total of two hundred thousand pesos. The demonstration by Red Cross paramedics showed students the critical work performed in emergencies, inspiring the next generation to support and contribute.

Sergio Conrado Hernández, the local Red Cross President, shared a touching personal story about how Red Cross paramedics saved his hand, motivating him to support the organization. He encouraged students from all educational levels to contribute, with the funds aimed at supporting the over 500 monthly emergency calls responded to by the Rosarito Red Cross.

Today, as we honor the bravery and sacrifice of Red Cross volunteers worldwide, let’s also celebrate the significant impact of our local chapter in Rosarito, whose tireless efforts keep the spirit of humanity alive every day.

Ensenada Navy Conducts Medical Evacuation from Cruise Ship

The Mexican Navy, operating through its Coast Guard duties, successfully carried out a medical evacuation in recent days. This operation was executed by personnel from the Naval Station for Search, Rescue, and Maritime Surveillance (ENSAR) in Ensenada, which is part of the Second Naval Region.

The rescue mission commenced following a report to the Navy Command Control Center about a 70-year-old foreign national exhibiting symptoms of a myocardial infarction aboard a cruise ship south of Ensenada, B.C.

To ensure the safety and well-being of the individual, the Navy dispatched a MLB-type vessel equipped with Naval Health personnel to securely transport the patient to the naval facilities. Upon arrival at a safe port, the individual was transferred to an ambulance and subsequently taken to a local hospital for specialized medical care.

The Second Naval Region reminds the public that in maritime emergencies, they can contact their hotline at (646)-177-38-30. Additionally, the Secretary of the Navy provides a contact number: 800 MARINA (800-627-46-21) for further assistance.

Netflix’s “Gringo Hunters” Filming in Baja California

Roll out the red carpet, Baja California! Netflix is making waves in our coastal paradise with their latest series, “Gringo Hunters,” slated to hit screens next year. This gripping crime series is inspired by a real elite Mexican police unit known for nabbing American fugitives across Mexico, promising to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. 

This Monday morning, the bustling area around the Palacio Municipal in Tijuana turned into a film set, complete with extras holding protest signs and actors in police uniforms, creating a vibrant scene of staged chaos that’s sure to translate into thrilling television. 

But the action isn’t just confined to Tijuana. From the iconic Avenida Revolución to the Chevron Stadium in Zona Río and the sunny shores of Playas de Tijuana, the production has been hopping across our state. Not to be outdone, the scenic city of Ensenada has also caught the director’s eye, featuring picturesque locations like the Ventana al Mar pier, the bustling boardwalk, and the panoramic El Vigía hill. 

“Gringo Hunters” draws its inspiration from a Washington Post article by Kevin Sieff, which detailed the daring exploits of this police squad and where the Gringo Gazette North was proudly mentioned.

With a stellar cast including Harold Torres, Mayra Hermosillo, Manuel Masalva, Andrew Leland Rogers, and Héctor Kotsifakis, this series is poised to be a highlight of Netflix’s offerings next year. 

Netflix announced that alongside Baja California, some scenes will also be shot in Mexico City, adding an urban flair to the series’ diverse Mexican landscapes. 

Whether you’re a local or a visitor, keep your eyes open: you might witness some movie magic—or even find yourself in the middle of it! “Gringo Hunters” isn’t just filming in our backyard; it’s shining a spotlight on the unique charm and drama of Baja California. Get ready to binge-watch this action-packed series that celebrates our local culture and scenery while unraveling high-stakes crime stories. 

Stay tuned, and let’s watch our beloved Baja become a star on the small screen! 

May 6, 2024 Edition

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From lefto to right: Álvaro Álvaréz and Rocío Hoffmann plastic artists. Benito del Águila, Artwalk Rosarito director, Adaí Villarreal public relations Artwalk Rosarito.

Baja California Artists Shine at Mexico City’s Cultural Hub

This Wednesday, April 24, a vibrant delegation from Baja California will make its way to the Centro Cultural Los Pinos in Mexico City. The group, composed of artists, cultural promoters, and government officials, aims to showcase the rich tapestry of plastic arts thriving in their region at the upcoming Artwalk Rosarito event.

“Baja California is known for having the highest number of artists per capita in the Northwest, featuring artists who have made significant marks across various countries. This visit is all about boosting the visibility of our talented artists and promoting our Artwalk Rosarito on the national arts scene,” says Benito del Águila, director of Artwalk Rosarito.

From lefto to right: Álvaro Álvaréz  and Rocío Hoffmann plastic artists. Benito del Águila, Artwalk Rosarito director,  Adaí Villarreal public relations Artwalk Rosarito.
From lefto to right: Álvaro Álvaréz and Rocío Hoffmann plastic artists. Benito del Águila, Artwalk Rosarito director, Adaí Villarreal public relations Artwalk Rosarito.

The team is led by notable figures including Benito del Águila and Adaí Villarreal from Artwalk Rosarito’s PR and Communications, alongside acclaimed artists Rocío Hoffmann and Álvaro Álvarez. They are joined by Alma Delia Ábrego, Baja California’s Secretary of Culture, and César Rivera, President of COTUCO Rosarito, who advocate for Rosarito as a prime destination for cultural tourism and art collecting.

Artwalk Rosarito is scheduled for May 25-26 at the State Center of Arts in Playas de Rosarito, featuring works from 60 artists and an exhibition at the International Gallery. Admission is free, promising an accessible celebration of art.

For more information, check out the Artwalk Rosarito social media pages.

What Mexico Has Taught Me


Now What?

For decades I wondered what I would do once I retired from being a contractor.  I started an IRA on the advice of my tax accountant in the 1990’s and saved money when I could.  Especially since I knew my Social Security checks weren’t going to be a lot because I was self-employed for so many years.  And I didn’t start taking those payments until I turned 70 last year in order to maximize the monthly amount.  I retired five years ago but all my dreams were put on hold while I took care of my father.  I dreamed and dreamed.  And ended up taking only short trips to Ensenada then just day trips to Tecate.   No flying back down to Oaxaca, Guadalajara, Puebla, or elsewhere.

I was a family care-provider for over 16 years, first taking care of my mother then my father. ( I learned a whole new trade and probably am qualified to be a nurse’s aide.)  My father passed away last December at the age of 99.  I moved as fast as possible in emptying their house, cleaning it, painting it, and selling it.  It took four crazy months but now I can start to do things again like I used to years ago.  What will that be?

Years ago I told myself I would eventually move out of the San Fernando Valley here in the Los Angeles area to get away from the summer temps that routinely hit the 100’s for weeks at a time.  It’s miserable for me and the cat and it’s only getting hotter.   I am NOT the kind of person who can tolerate staying trapped indoors with the AC going at least 12 hours a day.  I like …. no ….I NEED to be outdoors.  A lot.

And I love Ensenada.  Living there, close to the water, where……what?…..it rarely gets above 85?   That sounds like heaven to me and has for years.  Fog?  Cold mornings?  Lots of drizzle?  Bring it on!!  I lived in Oregon for years and only got tired of the hay fever up there.  Cold doesn’t bother me.  High heat does.  And, yes, my body handles high heat VERY WELL since I sweat like a broken faucet as my body protects me.  When I was a kid on the playground people constantly asked me why I was crying.  I was sweating.   Give me the beach!!

Being fairly close to the border just 70 miles away and then not far from the two large Kaiser-Permanente facilities in San Diego sounds good at my age.  And over the years I’ve asked several members of the ex-pat community in Ensenada if they are happy with the quality of health care locally.  I like what I’ve been told.  I was once driven to an ER there with the tip of my finger gone and was treated well.

After my dad died I looked on Craigslist just for the hell of it and found a nice trailer for sale in a gated community on the beach just above Ensenada.  Four hundred dollars a month rent and that included electricity and internet.  The trailer had California tags and had a covered patio and metal shed next to it.  But….. it was too soon to make a jump like that.  I was dealing with the house.  And, it was on the second row of trailers and not right on the beach.  (The front row probably would have higher rent.  It should.)  But, it was a deal I could have afforded AND walked away from in the future if I needed to.  Versus buying a house.

So, now, I’m really thinking about what is best for me.  I think I will continue to stay at my hotel there but start looking at rentals.  Hold off on buying for now.  I have always been a tourist down south.  My questions are…… Do I want to live there?  Or just enjoy it one week a month?  Or two weeks a month?  What?  As a tourist I’m eating fried shrimp tacos every day and pounding beers and mezcal like a frat boy.  Do that every day for weeks at a time and I’ll be a blimp in XXL shorts.  Or will staying at the hotel one or two weeks at a time prove that I’m really a tourist at heart?  Will I get bored eating salads and reading books in Ensenada when I could just do that here?

And, should I sell my house in Los Angeles and get a place in San Diego that has me bouncing across the border with ease and very close to Kaiser-Permanente?  Plus, I really do love my house.  I just don’t like where it is.  It has thirty years of ME in it.  The backyard with all my fruit trees is a slice of heaven for me.  Am I going to plant new fruit trees somewhere else and wait ten years before they look kind of good?

Or get a new place east of San Diego off of Hwy 94 so I can easily cross the border at Tecate and enjoy that nice town, the drive to the Guadalupe Valley, and a quick bounce to a small rental or my hotel in Ensenada?  But….. then……be further away from Kaiser?  Because at my age, while I am still in good health, I am starting to think I need to make decisions that will make sense ten to twenty years from now.

What will I do?  Dunno.  But I’m telling myself to go SLOW so that I hopefully don’t make any dumb decisions.  I’ll keep you informed as I learn what Mexico has to teach me about myself.

Carlos Hussong’s Nautical Vision Brings Us the Isla de Guadalupe Regatta


Carlos Hussong is not just a former tuna fisherman turned maritime law expert; he is also a visionary in the nautical sports community. With his deep understanding of the sea and its regulations, Hussong has transformed his passion for sailing into a significant force in the maritime sector, particularly through the establishment of the Ensenada – Guadalupe Island off-shore regatta. 

Carlos Hussong’s journey from fishing to founding regattas is as vast as the ocean itself. After a succesful career in the commercial fishing business  and as the national president of the fishing chamber, Hussong decided to pursue his passion for sailing by acquiring his yacht, the Foggy Valentina, four years ago. It wasn’t long before he ventured into the thrilling world of regattas, beginning just three years ago on Foggy Valentina. 

Hussong explained that there are generally three types of regattas: 

1. Protected Area Regattas: These are typically the simplest and occur in bays and lakes. 

2. Coastal Regattas: Limited to 30 miles from the shore. 

3. Offshore Regattas: Extending beyond 30 miles, these are considered the most challenging and exciting. Among these is the unique Regatta Isla Guadalupe in Mexico, a 550 nautical miles journey that passes around Isla Elefante and lasts about 5-6 days. 

Drawing on his experience, Hussong highlighted Ensenada, Baja California, as an ideal location for these demanding offshore events, given its natural maritime conditions and climate. He founded the Todos Santos Oceanic Regatta Club to develop and promote these yearly regattas, particularly focusing on the complex offshore type. 

Launched in 2022 by himself, the REGATTA ISLA GUADALUPE is proof  of Hussong’s commitment to the sport. It’s a 100% Mexican event that embarks from the Hotel Coral and Marina in Ensenada, organized under his leadership. Up until this edition, that will begin on May 18, the only participant on the regatta has been the Foggy Valentina, in which  a crew of six navigate approximately 550 nautical miles, demonstrating the challenging nature and allure of offshore sailing, but he hopes more and more participants could join him in the coming years. 

With Italy hosting the world’s largest regatta featuring 4,000 boats, Hussong aims to put Mexican regattas on the global map. By creating events like the REGATA ISLA GUADALUPE and enhancing international participation, he hopes to elevate the profile of local sailing events to that of world-renowned regattas. 

For those interested in the sport or looking to gain more knowledge about sailing, Hussong tells us that sailing workshops are available in Ensenada. Potential future participants in the REGATA ISLA GUADALUPE can contact him directly at +1 (858) 353 3320 or via email at hussongc@pescabrava.com for more information. 

Carlos Hussong’s story is a powerful reminder of how passion, when combined with expertise and vision, can significantly impact a community and a sport, stay tuned as we bring you some of his fantastic sea-bound stories in coming editions!

The Newport to Ensenada International Yacht Race turned 70 this year. Read more on this edition's Que Pasa in Baja column.

Que Pasa in Baja?

Finally! Santa Anita Territorial Dispute Resolved. The governments of Ensenada and Playas de Rosarito have begun the process to officially transfer the administration of the town of Santa Anita to Rosarito by the end of 2024. This area, which has been at the center of legal and administrative disputes between the two municipalities since 1995, is moving towards resolution. The official page of Playas de Rosarito reported ongoing meetings aimed at transferring community accounts and ensuring Santa Anita residents will soon be able to handle their civic duties and taxation within Rosarito’s jurisdiction. The transition involves the exchange of information on commercial permits, land use, and cadastral data among other administrative details, led by Rosarito’s Syndicate. A public ceremony will soon announce the official transfer, marking a significant step in resolving this longstanding territorial conflict.

Economic Boom from the 76th Newport to Ensenada Yacht Race. The 76th edition of the Newport to Ensenada International Yacht Race was not only a thrilling sporting event but also a financial windfall for the region, with over 100 sailboats participating and generating more than 1 million pesos in local economic impact. This race, held from April 26 to 28, saw competitors from the U.S., Mexico, Spain, the UK, Germany, France, and several South American countries, underscoring its international allure. The local hospitality sector, including hotels and restaurants, greatly benefited from the influx of visitors, adding substantial revenue to Ensenada’s economy. The race also marks the beginning of Ensenada’s peak tourist season, which includes off-road races, the Vendimia wine harvest festival, concerts, and destination weddings. This year’s race saw 126 sign-ups with 108 actual participants, and the weekend was supported by over 120 volunteers who helped make the event a success.

Baja California Faces Severe Colorado River Water Cuts. The Permanent Forum on Binational Waters has issued a stark warning: the upcoming cut in Colorado River water allocations to Mexico in 2024 will exceed the annual water usage of all Baja Californian cities reliant on this source. According to research by professors from the University of California and Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC), the cut will amount to 263 million cubic meters. This figure surpasses the combined annual water consumption of Ensenada, Mexicali, Tecate, Rosarito, and Tijuana, which is about 235 million cubic meters. Furthermore, 2025 promises even sharper reductions, with an additional 346 million cubic meters withheld. This sequence of cuts, which started in 2021, will reduce Mexico’s Colorado River water by 33% compared to the allocations established in the 1944 treaty. The cuts are linked to the water level at Hoover Dam; lower levels mean more severe cuts. While some of the withheld water is recoverable by 2026, only 37% will actually return to Mexico, with the rest utilized by the U.S.

Baby Owls Found in Rosarito Office. In a surprising turn of events, the staff at a factory in Rosarito discovered six baby owls in the human resources office, prompting an unusual rescue operation by local firefighters.

On a typical Tuesday morning around 10:00 AM, the call for help came from Manufacturing, a local factory nestled in the Lucio Blanco neighborhood on Balbino Obeso Street. The human resources manager stumbled upon the little owls and quickly reached out to the firefighters for assistance in safely handling the feathered foundlings.

The owlets were promptly taken to a veterinary clinic managed by Francisco Ayala, a well-respected figure in the community and former president of Rosarito’s Veterinarian Association. According to Ayala, the owlets were barely over a week old and needed immediate care.

To provide the best environment for their recovery, the decision was made to house the baby owls in a residential setting temporarily. Here, they could be closely monitored and fed until they were ready to grow their full plumage. Once mature enough, the plan is to move them to a wildlife refuge located in Ensenada.

Ayala explained that owls are primarily nocturnal feeders, and currently, the rescuers are feeding them meat. However, he noted a concerning detail; two of the baby owls showed little interest in food, a potential indicator of health issues that will require close observation.

New Rules for Tinted Windows and Public Drinking in Rosarito. The local government just rolled out a new set of rules that are about to make life a bit easier for those of you sporting tinted windows. Starting now, you can cruise around with your windows tinted without sweating over fines or being pulled over, as long as your tints aren’t too dark. Think California-style rules, and you’re on the right track.

But that’s not all—Rosarito is also introducing a more laid-back vibe in its tourist zone. You can now sip your favorite drink openly in designated streets and even on public transport within this area, no hassle. This move aims to keep the festive spirit alive and kicking, without the nagging interruptions for enjoying a drink.

The move aims to avoid unnecessary fines by the local police, which only amount to extra opportunities for extorting our precious tourists.

Ensenada Gears Up for Bluefin Tuna Tournament. This May, Ensenada will host the exciting “Baja Bluefin Tuna Tournament,” boasting a prize pool over $45,000. The event, set for May 10-12, aims to position Ensenada as Mexico’s tuna fishing capital, with more than 50 teams from around the globe expected to compete. The tournament promises significant economic benefits, with an estimated $6 million impact on the local economy. Organizers and Baja California’s Fishing Secretary highlighted the event’s potential to showcase the region’s prime bluefin tuna migration season, making it a unique and strategic fishing contest. With stringent catch limits to ensure sustainability, the competition aligns with conservation efforts while offering impressive prizes for the winners.

The Art of Pueblo Living

Memories of Mulegé


Morning starts slowly and so quietly in Mulegé. The first sign of the new day is sunlight splashing patterns on old adobe walls creating deep shadows on weathered doors not yet open. A rooster crows. A woman steps outside to sweep. Sweeping, a lost art, is alive here. No high-pitched whine of a leaf blower disturbs the awakening day in this small pueblo on the Gulf of California.

The one gas station with a single pump opens early. So far, no cars are in need of a fill up. Down the street, Polo, the shade-tree mechanic, slides the heavy wire gate open. He limps to the car with its hood up and starts digging into the engine. There are several grocery stories, a shop like a Mini Walmart and one hardware store; you might not find all the things that you want, but you will find all the things you need. A grocer, Senior Yee, has a long history in Mulegé dating back to the Chinese immigration when labor was needed for the growing Baja California peninsula. Casa Yee has an odd assortment of things and most people use it as a place to fill small propane tanks and hang out in the shade as the morning begins to warm.

In a small village people are often more than they appear to be. Salvadore drives a taxi. He is also the most knowledgeable source for a cave painting tour, including the plant medicine that has been passed down from the Cochimi Indians’ prehistory. I catch Francisco Lopez Ramirez sitting out front of Yee’s. Francisco, a fisherman his whole life, was born and raised in Mulegé. As a child his father taught him how to fish and his father’s learned from his grandfather. Francisco traces his ancestors all the way back to the Yaki Indians who lived in harmony with the Cochimi of southern Baja. He remembers a time when the gulf was abundant with fish. It is not so today. A pescador’s life is not an easy one, yet it has not diminished Franciso’s brilliant smile and playful nature.

The town is waking up. A camper with Canadian plates is leaving, loaded down with bicycles and kayaks. They have spent several months on the playas south of town, along with many others from Oregon and Washington. These Snowbirds escaped the northern winter and have enjoyed the sunshine and warmth of this latitude, changing the town’s population for a time. Morning traffic is mostly on foot, a few cars are headed to the primary school to drop off the children. There are no stop lights, all movement is allowed to flow naturally. The white van of the local Rotary Club moves through the intersection and I’ve heard that a dermatologist from the U.S will be in town for three days at the clinic. The treatment is by donations and according to the ability to pay. Adolfo, a shop keep and blanket vendor, hollers as he drives by, a big grin on his face; I wave. We have a history from years ago when he dated my sister. The feeling of family transmits across the years.

I step into Las Casitas’ lovely outdoor patio, wave to Nelli in the kitchen and take a table. There is Wifi and I begin to jot down the pieces of this story; a collage of morning images. Sparrows flit through the trees overhead and an occasional yellow blossom falls on the blue tablecloth. A brush stroke of cool green shade, vibrant colors and mossy fountain makes time disappear. Filled with a delicious breakfast, I step into the street again. The warm smell of masa baking drifts from the tortillaria next door. I see the bomberos wiping down the fire trucks, donated by the Fresno Fire Department of California. An old black dog lays in a patch of sunshine. He is one of the lucky ones, since PAW was created by a group of Americans many years ago. Now, unwanted and forgotten dogs find health and adoption. A reduced street dog population is a gift to the community.

Midday the town takes shelter from the sky’s glowing heat. It is siesta time. The shadows stretch out across the street, we are lucky to have a cool afternoon breeze blowing in from the gulf. Lupe is pulling out the hotdog cart. It is as charming as it gets. The tables with red and white checkers tablecloths are set up on the sidewalk; the Mexican hot dog is just the greatest. The sky turns dark blue and chips of stars begin to break through. Strings of white lights adorn trees and storefronts. A curious phenomenon begins, the youth of the village take to the streets. What an amazing thing it is to know that the children are safe after dark. They sit in clusters on park benches with their cell phones and plugged into Ipods, but many are actually talking to each other. The beach is just a few minutes away, some of us will go out to watch the moon rise over the gulf. A beautiful way to end the day with the black water shimmering in iridescent silver light.

The larger cities of Baja California have so much to offer the traveler: art, music, beautiful hotels and gourmet food and wine. In the small village one learns to live in an artful way with seemingly much less. Art, defined as the conscious arrangement of sounds, colors and forms creating beauty, can certainly be applied to how we live our lives.

Editor’s Note: Martina is a freelance writer, author and columnist for Baja Bound. You can read many of her stories spanning the last 30 years on their website. Click here to get Martina’s book, Dust in My Sandals, Tales from a Baja Traveler. Order before you take off on your summer travels and find hidden gems on roads less traveled.

Photo by Kathey Fatica.

The Show Must Go On! ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ Returns to La Misión with a Splash

Hurricane Hilary couldn’t keep a good plant down! Dive into the revived, raucous production featuring local talent, ingenious puppetry, and unforgettable performances.


The curtain goes up! The play is on at the La Misión Performing Arts Center.  We sit in our seats thrilled to be present for the encore of The Little Shop of Horrors. It seems that Hurricane Hilary, which made its way this far north, closed down the show a few years ago. This time from the wings three women dressed like street kids moved across the stage singing the opening song. Derek Wille along with drummer Randy Seol, played brilliantly the great music by Alan Menken. Today’s performance was directed by David Cattanio. It took a village to recreate our own Baja-style of this famous story. Actors with very impressive bios of creative excellence graced the stage.  We watched as the play began to unfold and were delighted at each new scene. 

The lead characters carried the play, yet all the cast enacted great cameo sketches, like Rudy Alexander’s delightful wino. The down and out Seymor, played by lead Danny Ingersol, was convincing as he struggled with the decision to feed his hungry little plant which had mysteriously come with the total eclipse of the sun. His love interest played by New York actress, Ginevra Altomara, as Audrey was pure talent. She knew how to work the stage and gave powerful performances even with a black eye and a broken arm given to her by the abusive boyfriend, Matthew Noakes, who played Orin the “sadistic” dentist. Orin liked to inhale his own laughing gas before causing pain to his patients. Matthew’s hysterical laughing and death scene had us all joining in the fun. Lisa Rath as Mrs. Mushnik portrayed the conniving owner of the flower shop which displayed Seymor’s unusual plant. She began to count the cash flow and got greedy. Lisa’s performance and her songs were central to the story line which created the nemesis until it was revealed who the real evildoer was. A plant called Audrey ll. 

Martina meets her match! Our daring writer finds out if she's just as tasty as she is talented, courtesy of Audrey II's appetite for drama! Photo by Kathey Fatica.
Martina meets her match! Our daring writer finds out if she’s just as tasty as she is talented, courtesy of Audrey II’s appetite for drama! Photo by Kathey Fatica.

Audrey ll grows up on this live stage, from a baby to a humongous meat-eating plant. The plant is central to the whole production. It had to be created without the benefit of a movie set and its special effects. How was it done? The design team for four of the Audrey ll puppets were made here in Mexico. It took four weeks of diligent work and was nearly $3000 of the play’s total budget. Master guitarist Miguel de Hoyos and KayAnne de Hoyos took on the project management with a long list of helping hands. And if you have puppets, you need a puppeteer which was filled by a masterful young man, Rafael Mares, who was unfortunately never seen, because he has the good looks for a starring role for which he is well prepared. This all came together so well that we began to forget the murderous plant was a puppet. Karla “Olorato” Henderson was the voice of Audrey ll from the cute little baby plant stage to the fiercely demanding gigantic plant, yelling, “Feed me Seymour, feed me now!”

Director David Cattanio said, “I hope the audience can sit back, enjoy the infectious music, and revel in the delightful silliness of this production. The cast and crew and production team have poured their heart into mastering lines, music, and the intricacies of working with four different puppets. In an effort to enhance what was already a stellar production.” David goes on to thank everyone for their support and calling for continued support in the future for La Misión Performing Arts Center.

Don’t miss the final three performances May 3, 4, 5 at 2:00. You can purchase your tickets at the door.

Editor’s Note: Martina Dobesh is a freelance writer, a frequent contributor to the Gringo Gazette, columnist for Baja Bound, and author of Dust In My Sandals, Tales of a Baja Traveler. 

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