Baja Norte, Breaking News, Rosarito, Tijuana

Local Artists from Rosarito and Tijuana Do Murals In Greece

Athens is the city where the first “Mexico – Greece Youth Encounter” was carried out. The event is an space to encourage dialog and exchange between young artists from both countries during the month of October.

On an invitation from the Mexican Embassy in Greece, Jaime Carbó, the multi disciplinarian muralist from Rosarito, was invited to paint an urban mural in the Irini subway station. Irini translates as peace from Greek, and its the first station that gives access to the Olympic stadium in Athens.

From Tijuana, Alfredo “Libre” Gutierrez, part of the “Hecho en Mexico” graffiti collective, traveled there and painted a tram along with Carbó.

Gutierrez will also work with a group of migrants to create an sculpture as a token of gratitude towards Greece.

The artwork will be donated to the Attica municipality that has been known for its support and acceptance of migrants.

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