Articles, Baja Norte

Women Take Charge at All Levels of Government

Move over boys, there’s a new leadership trend sweeping Baja California—one led predominantly by women, and it’s a major shift. If you blinked, you might’ve missed the news: women are now leading at nearly all levels of government in our beloved Baja. It’s like the rest of Mexico finally got the memo that Baja’s ladies have been calling the shots at home long enough—now they’re officially taking the reins in city halls and beyond, too.

Rosarito’s got itself a new boss lady: Rocio Adame, stepping in as mayor and keeping the coastal vibes positive while showing the boys how it’s done. Not to be outdone, Ensenada welcomes Claudia Agaton as the new mayor—yes, the same Ensenada that’s known for its expansive coastline, fine wine, and, apparently, a no-nonsense approach to governance.

Moving further down to the beautiful desert city of Mexicali, Alicia Bustamante is ready to bring some much-needed feminine finesse. And over in San Quintin, we have Miriam Cano, who’s got her sleeves rolled up to take on whatever challenges the town throws her way.

If you’re starting to see a pattern here, you’re right. This new wave of leadership isn’t just a coincidence—it’s a carefully orchestrated revolution by the Morena party, who has seemingly decided that women’s time to lead has arrived. With Marina del Pilar already paving the way as the Governor of Baja California for three years now, and the new President of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, stepping into office, it’s safe to say that Mexico’s political landscape is getting a much-needed dose of diversity and representation at every level.

Claudia Sheinbaum’s rise to the presidency is a historic moment—not just for Baja California, but for all of Mexico. As the first woman elected as President of Mexico, Sheinbaum brings a wealth of experience from her time as the Mayor of Mexico City, where she implemented groundbreaking social programs, strengthened environmental policies, and tackled the challenges of urban insecurity head-on. While she has made it clear that she intends to continue many of the initiatives started by her predecessor, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), her leadership offers a fresh perspective, especially as she builds on these foundations with her own approach and ideas.

Of course, let’s not forget our lone cowboys still holding it down. San Felipe’s José Luis Dagnino, Tecate’s Román Cota, and Tijuana’s Ismael Burgueño are the exceptions to the all-woman lineup—but they, too, carry the Morena banner. We’ll see if they can keep up with the ladies or if they’ll just be taking notes.

Now, let’s not get too ahead of ourselves; nobody’s saying this guarantees utopia overnight. Politics, after all, is a complex beast. But the Morena party has clearly decided it’s time for a different approach. And given the history of male-dominated leadership in Mexico, it’s hard not to feel a little bit hopeful. A little bit curious. Maybe even a little bit excited.

After all, there’s something undeniably refreshing about seeing Baja’s leadership reflect the women who’ve long been its backbone—whether it’s managing businesses, raising families, or, as of now, governing municipalities. This isn’t just about representation—it’s about tapping into a wealth of talent and perspective that’s been long overlooked in political spaces. And with Claudia Sheinbaum at the helm of the nation, it’s also about demonstrating that leadership isn’t a man’s game anymore.

Sheinbaum’s presidency also brings hope for tackling some of Baja’s ongoing issues. Baja’s security situation has been, shall we say, a bit of a rollercoaster. With this new wave of leadership—women who are known for their pragmatism, empathy, and strong will—perhaps we can finally start seeing meaningful, lasting improvements that make our neighborhoods safer for everyone. Sheinbaum’s emphasis on community-oriented security measures and her previous work in reducing crime rates in Mexico City might just be what Baja needs to see more stability and safety at the local level.

So what does this mean for Baja? Hopefully, better policies for families, more community-focused initiatives, and an approach to leadership that values collaboration over conflict. And let’s be real—one thing we’re all hoping for is better security across the board. With leaders like Marina del Pilar and Claudia Sheinbaum setting the tone, we have reason to believe that a different kind of politics—one that focuses on the well-being of every citizen—might just be possible.

But let’s not forget—these women aren’t just there to play nice. They’re tough, they’re determined, and they’re ready to make waves.

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