Baja Norte, Breaking News

Hilary Downgraded to Tropical Storm Near Baja California

In recent weather developments, “Hilary” was officially downgraded to a tropical storm on Sunday morning, as reported by the Government of Baja California.

The latest update from the National Water Commission (Conagua) states that as of 7:00 AM, the tropical storm is located approximately 80 kilometers south of Cabo San Quintín.

Tragic news emerges from the community of Santa Rosalía in Baja California Sur, where a man lost his life after his vehicle was swept away by a stream caused by the region’s intense rainfall.

Despite Hilary’s reduced intensity, the Civil Protection of Baja California announced that Governor Marina del Pilar has maintained protective measures for the public. This indicates a strong recommendation for residents of the region to take complete shelter to avert potential risks.

Persistent heavy rain forecasts continue not just for Baja California but also for the states of Baja California Sur, Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango, Sinaloa, Nayarit, and Zacatecas.

Predictions suggest that Hilary will make its way overland towards California by 6:00 PM on Sunday and is expected to weaken further by early Monday.

Residents in the affected regions are urged to stay updated with local weather reports and heed safety precautions.

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