Breaking News, Rosarito, Tijuana

Water Outage Starts Today In Rosarito and Tijuana

The Tijuana water commission (CESPT)reported that they are starting today with their scheduled water outage for 460 neighborhoods or “colonias” in Tijuana and Rosarito, leaving a big part of both towns without any water for a few days, fully restoring the service on Saturday, October 6th.


CESPT reported that the cause of the scheduled outage is the replacement and repairs of the FLORIDO – AGUAJE water pipes in Tijuana, that had several old leaks that have to be fixed now in order to avoid more severe problems in the future. The repairs, that are being done on pipes 20 feet underground, have already begun and are expected to be finished on Friday.

This is the official list of the affected neighborhoods in Rosarito:

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