Articles, Charities

Rosarito’s Club for Boys and Girls Seeks Vital Support


In Rosarito, BC, the Club de Niños y Niñas, a vital community resource that has served over 4,500 children in its 12-year history, is facing a critical need for financial support to continue its operations. The club, which currently caters to 140 children, offers a safe and educational environment for after-school learning and activities. Despite its success, the club struggles with an operational cost of 100,000 pesos per month, covering staff salaries and essential services.

Rosy Torres, president of the club’s board, highlighted the ongoing challenge of securing enough funding to sustain the facility. “We are desperately seeking sponsors. Right now, we are struggling to maintain our payroll, which amounts to 100,000 pesos monthly, in addition to other necessary services,” Torres explained. The club largely relies on donations from individuals, companies, and U.S.-based associations.

The proximity of new manufacturing companies to Rosarito presents a potential boon. However, as Torres noted, “While there is a commitment to support us, these companies are not fully operational yet, so we have to wait.”

The club plays a crucial preventative role in the community. It keeps children from vulnerable communities off the streets after school, a time when many are at risk due to parents working late hours and unable to supervise them. The goal is to prevent these children from facing dangers alone.

Support from U.S. associations has been pivotal, but the need for more participation is acute. The club provides children with opportunities to engage in sports, learn musical instruments, study new languages, and enhance their academic skills in subjects like Spanish and mathematics. Torres emphasized the importance of broadening support to continue offering these essential services.

For those interested in supporting this cause, more information is available on the club’s official website and social media platforms. By becoming a sponsor, individuals and companies can help ensure that the Club de Niños y Niñas de Rosarito remains a beacon of hope and safety for the community’s youth, fostering their development in a nurturing environment. This support not only sustains the club’s daily operations but also secures a brighter future for hundreds of children each year.

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